Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Yoga Posture - The Pigeon
The One-Legged King Pigeon Posture – (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
‘Eka’ means one, ‘Pada’ means foot, ‘Raja’ means king, and ‘Kapota’ means pigeon. In this posture the chest is pushed forward like that of a pigeon, hence the name given.
The Pigeon is a superb advanced back bending posture in its complete form, demanding great flexibility in the entire length of the spine, as well as in the hips and shoulders. This intense backbend should only be attempted by very experienced practitioners.
A preliminary version of the Pigeon posture can be done comfortably by nearly everyone who has healthy knees. Moving into the preparation of this posture the simple pigeon deeply works the hips and helps to release tension in this region of the body. It requires steady balance while curving backward.
The One-Legged King Pigeon posture affects the whole body as it strengthens, stretches, and tones the spinal column, stimulating the nerves around the spine.
It stretches the thighs, the muscles of the groins and hip joints, abdomen, shoulders, and the neck. It stretches the chest and the rib cage.
The Pigeon posture stimulates the glandular system and the abdominal organs.
Having practiced this wonderful but very difficult One-Legged King Pigeon posture we feel the sense of achievement. This posture gives the practitioner a lot of benefits; however, there are some health conditions in which this posture should not be attempted.
Three important reasons not to do the Pigeon posture:
1) In case of sacroiliac injury do not practice this posture.
(The term sacroiliac refers to the area of a small joint that lies at the junction of the sacrum; a part of the spine and the ilium; a part of the pelvis).
2) If you have ankle or knee injury, avoid this posture.
3) Recent or chronic back injury is contraindication for that posture.
Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of this posture for you. It is best to perform this yoga posture in presence of a qualified yoga teacher.
Issued in the interest of people practicing Hatha Yoga by Subodh Gupta, Yoga Expert based in
Mr.Subodh Gupta, a Corporate Yoga Trainer has conducted more than 500 workshops on Yoga and Stress Management. He has been interviewed by various TV channels in
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