News release about safe yoga practice throughout the world.

Monday, August 27, 2012

What are Chakras and chakra dance party by celebrity trainer Subodh Gupta

What are Chakras and chakra dance party explained by celebrity yoga trainer Subodh Gupta.

Mantra meditation and best meditation technique

Mantra meditation and best meditation technique explained by celebrity yoga trainer Subodh Gupta based in London.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What is Yoga

The word yoga simply means "union", union of individual consciousness with the supreme consciousness. 

Many people confuse the word yoga with exercise. Many think that Yogi means the one who can do all kinds of acrobatic postures which is not true.

In fact, Yoga has nothing to do with the acrobatic poses which are performed by many yoga gurus in India and in the west such as Bikram choudhury or Mr BKS Iyengar  or Late Shri Pattabi Jois, under the name of yoga. Yoga doesn’t mean exercise, it simply means union, no more no less.

Ashtanga Yoga and misconceptions

Many people in the west are misguided and believe that Ashtanga Yoga means a series of physical demanding exercises taught in Mysore, India.

In reality Ashtanga Yoga which is also known as eight fold Raja Yoga noble path is mainly focused on progressing in meditation and achieving final liberation.

Ashtanga yoga eight fold noble path and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga from mysore are two different things.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga from Mysore India is simply a distorted form of hatha yoga system with main focus on physical demanding gymnastic type exercises and while authentic Ashtanga yoga noble eight folds noble path main focus is on meditation.

Issued in public interest by celebrity yoga trainer, Subodh Gupta, based in London.

Subodh is the author of the book 'Simplified Yoga for Backache' available at Amazon, Waterstones and other leading book stores in the UK and US.