New National Obesity Campaign UK launched by Celebrity Trainer Subodh Gupta
Celebrity Trainer Subodh Gupta has launched today a landmark national campaign to help fight obesity, which will see celebrities and members of the public pledging to lose weight.
Subodh Gupta will launch a large number of weight loss workshops throughout the UK in the year 2010 and 2011 with a follow-up programme.
According to the department of health (UK), “In 2005, 22% of English men and 24% of women were classified as obese” and “Over the last 25 years, the number of people classed as either overweight or obese in England has tripled” according to UK government Foresight program.
Obesity is one of the major reasons for various diseases like heart disease, diabetes, back pain, cancer, arthritis and breathlessness, etc.
Realising that obesity is literally killing the UK, the celebrity trainer Subodh Gupta decided to launch biggest ever obesity campaign so that the people can lose weight and live healthy life.
“If we continue as per past trend, Obesity will be increasing at alarming rate effecting nation health seriously”, he said.
Subodh approach to tackle growing obesity problem is different instead of a rigorous regime.
"The most common mistake which we often make while we go on our weight loss program is to deprive our self from all the things which we love drinking and eating. We can’t keep up the changes for long. If we restrict ourself to just fruit and veg we'd end up giving up quickly, the best solution is moderation, and the same goes for exercise" Subodh said.
Subodh emphasises on eating fresh food available everywhere without worrying even if you are travelling. The campaign will include live interactive seminars all over the UK conducted by Subodh Gupta himself, videos from Subodh to motivate, fortnightly motivating messages, weight loss tips, celebrities weight loss secrets and weight loss forum to support.
The best of all you don’t have to spend thousands of pounds as it is absolutely free i.e. there are no charges to join this campaign except you need to commit yourself.
The year-long initiative will educate people on how to lose weight, help them develop healthy relationship with their food and most importantly will motivate them.
Issued in public interest by celebrity yoga trainer Subodh Gupta based in London.
Subodh Gupta is the author of numerous books on yoga, weight loss and stress management. He has been interviewed by various TV channels and his views and articles appear regularly in magazines and newspapers in India and the UK.
Subodh Gupta is based in London and conducts yoga, weight loss, meditation, nutrition and stress counselling sessions for a number of celebrities.
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