Yoga lead to compassion not to Satanic Possession
Summary: According to celebrity yoga trainer Subodh Gupta regular practice of Hatha Yoga and meditation lead to love and compassion and not to the Satanic Possession as misclaimed by US Republican governor candidate E.W. Jackson.

A Republican candidate for Virginia's lieutenant governor, E.W. Jackson, a Christian minister and lawyer has warned of what he sees the dangers of yoga.He has said that doing yoga may lead to being possessed by Satan.
EW Jackson, who has never held elected office, made the remarks in his 2008 book. The passage was highlighted earlier this week by conservative website which was profiling Mr Jackson.
He wrote: "When one hears the word meditation, ...The purpose of such meditation is to empty oneself ... [Satan] is happy to invade the empty vacuum of your soul and possess it.
Celebrity Trainer Subodh Gupta said "These comments reflects total ignorance on part of E.W.Jackson about yoga and meditation."
"Actually Hatha Yoga (which is popularly misunderstood as yoga in the west) are simply set of physical exercises which helps to release tension and lead towards love and compassion."
People fight each other all over the world because of tension and if tension and anger are released what is left is love and compassion not Satan.
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Labels: E.W.Jackson, Father amorth, meditation., Subodh Gupta, Yoga, yoga breathing