Insomnia increases risk of heart attack | Health news
According to a study by researchers in Taiwan, sleep disorder can significantly increases one's risk of heart attack or stroke.
Researchers during the trial's four- year period looked at more than 43,000 people ages 45 or older & found that people with insomnia were twice susceptible to have heart attack or stroke than those who don’t have sleep disorder.
Chronic insomnia is also a risk factor for depression, according
to the National Institutes of Health.
Sleep is one of the many important health behaviours such as
diet and exercise.
In my experience I would say to a great extent diet, exercise
and quality of sleep are interrelated.
If you eat heavy food late in the evening chances are sleep will be
disturbed and similarly if you are doing everyday moderate exercise quality of
sleep will be good.
Message is if you want to keep your heart healthy, than it is
important to have adequate hours of quality sleep.
Labels: heart attack, insomnia, Subodh Gupta, Yoga
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